Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) / Chronic Back Pain

Sterling Orthopedic Pain & Spine, under the expertise of Dr. Greg Condie in Murray, Utah, offers state-of-the-art treatment for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and chronic back pain using spinal cord stimulators. This advanced technique represents a significant breakthrough in pain management, especially for patients who have not found relief through conventional therapies.

Symptoms Addressed

  • Severe, persistent pain in the affected area (CRPS)
  • Sensitivity to touch or temperature changes (CRPS)
  • Continuous back pain not alleviated by standard treatments
  • Muscle weakness and decreased mobility in the back

The Necessity of Advanced Treatment Options

CRPS and chronic back pain can be debilitating, often hindering a patient’s ability to perform daily activities and enjoy a quality life. Traditional pain management methods, including medication and physical therapy, may not be effective for all patients. This is where the utilization of spinal cord stimulators comes into play, offering an innovative solution for those suffering from these complex pain conditions.

Dr. Greg Condie, double board-certified in Physical Medicine and Rehab & Pain Medicine and specializing in Concussion and Balance, recognizes the importance of advanced treatment modalities in managing such conditions. His expertise is particularly beneficial for patients with a history of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) from motor vehicle accidents (MVAs), who often face additional challenges in pain management.

Spinal Cord Stimulator Treatment Process

  • Comprehensive Assessment: Evaluating the severity of CRPS or chronic back pain and determining eligibility for spinal cord stimulation.
  • Trial Period: A temporary stimulator is implanted to gauge the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • Permanent Implantation: If the trial is successful, a permanent stimulator is implanted.
  • Ongoing Adjustments: Regular follow-up appointments to optimize the stimulator settings for maximum pain relief.

Preventive Strategies in Pain Management

Prevention plays a critical role in managing CRPS and chronic back pain. Dr. Condie advises patients on lifestyle modifications, including ergonomic practices, regular exercise, and stress management techniques, to reduce the risk of exacerbating these conditions. Additionally, patients are educated on early symptom recognition and encouraged to seek prompt medical attention, which can be crucial in preventing the progression of these pain syndromes.

Positive Patient Outcomes with Spinal Cord Stimulation

Patients receiving spinal cord stimulation therapy for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) or chronic back pain at Sterling Orthopedic Pain & Spine often experience transformative outcomes. The significant reduction in pain levels reported by many patients is just the beginning of the benefits observed. This advanced treatment, expertly administered by Dr. Greg Condie and his team, has been instrumental in diminishing the need for long-term pain medication, which is a common concern among chronic pain sufferers. Spinal cord stimulators provide a more sustainable and effective pain management solution by directly targeting the pain at its neural source. Consequently, patients find themselves better able to participate in daily activities, from simple tasks around the home to more active pursuits, leading to an enhanced overall quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do spinal cord stimulators help in managing CRPS and chronic back pain?

Spinal cord stimulators relieve pain by sending mild electrical pulses to the spinal cord, which disrupts pain signals sent to the brain, effectively managing conditions like CRPS and chronic back pain.

Is the spinal cord stimulator implantation process painful?

The implantation process for spinal cord stimulators is minimally invasive and typically performed under local anesthesia, with most patients experiencing little to no discomfort during the procedure.

What kind of follow-up care is required after spinal cord stimulator implantation?

Following the implantation of a spinal cord stimulator, regular follow-up appointments are necessary to adjust the device settings, ensure optimal pain relief, and monitor the patient’s overall progress and well-being.

Explore Advanced Pain Management Options

If you’re struggling with CRPS or chronic back pain, consider the advanced treatment options available at Sterling Orthopedic Pain & Spine. Under the care of Dr. Greg Condie, a leader in pain management and rehabilitation, you can find the relief you’ve been seeking. Contact us to learn more about spinal cord stimulators and take a step towards a pain-free life.

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